TLS was last updated
on June 12, 2024.

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a rating for the player based on the NTRP rating
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* Ratings for each of a player's matches.
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Team Scouting Report
(As Of 06/10/2024)
Section - Southern
Area - KY - Lexington
Flight - Men 4.5
League Record: 7 - 2
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Adam Slone - 4.20
Michael Wang - 4.17
James Johnston - 4.16
Bryce Shelton - 4.15
Kristian Esteve - 4.14
Adante Fuller Smith - 4.14
Shawn Tran - 3.98
Seann Speray - 3.96
Josh Lukins - 3.96
Tyler Barton - 3.90
Tony Khan - 3.90
Eric Rogier - 3.90
Kaveh Sajadi - 3.89
Ryan Muchow - 3.88
Sameer Desai - 3.71
Darryl Gregory - n/a
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Kaveh Sajadi - 3.89 & Sameer Desai - 3.71 1 - 0
Kaveh Sajadi - 3.89 & Tony Khan - 3.90 0 - 1
Michael Wang - 4.17 & Bryce Shelton - 4.15 1 - 0
Michael Wang - 4.17 & Tyler Barton - 3.90 1 - 1
James Johnston - 4.16 & Tony Khan - 3.90 1 - 0
James Johnston - 4.16 & Bryce Shelton - 4.15 1 - 0 1 - 0
Seann Speray - 3.96 & Eric Rogier - 3.90 1 - 1 1 - 0
Seann Speray - 3.96 & Bryce Shelton - 4.15 1 - 0
Seann Speray - 3.96 1 - 1
Adam Slone - 4.20 & Adante Fuller Smith - 4.14 1 - 0
Adam Slone - 4.20 1 - 1 1 - 0
Kristian Esteve - 4.14 & Adante Fuller Smith - 4.14 1 - 0
Kristian Esteve - 4.14 4 - 0 2 - 0
Adante Fuller Smith - 4.14 & Shawn Tran - 3.98 0 - 1 0 - 1
Adante Fuller Smith - 4.14 2 - 0
Shawn Tran - 3.98 1 - 2 0 - 1
Darryl Gregory - n/a & Josh Lukins - 3.96 0 - 1
Darryl Gregory - n/a & Tony Khan - 3.90 1 - 0
Eric Rogier - 3.90 & Josh Lukins - 3.96 1 - 0
Eric Rogier - 3.90 & Shawn Tran - 3.98 1 - 0
Ryan Muchow - 3.88 & Tyler Barton - 3.90 1 - 1 0 - 1 1 - 0
Bryce Shelton - 4.15 & Tony Khan - 3.90 1 - 0
League Record: 6 - 3
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
John Bogusewski - 4.36
John Herring - 4.31
Britt Chandler - 4.23
Bradley Merchant - 4.15
David Hardesty - 4.11
Brett Atcher - 4.05
Joseph Twerdi - 3.98
Nathan Mann - 3.93
Michael Hamann - 3.93
Erritt Griggs - 3.93
David Atwell - 3.93
Leony Barroso - 3.92
George Weiss - 3.90
Tyler Pewitt - 3.66
William McCubbin - 3.63
Mike Howard - 3.62
Robert Kiley - n/a
Matthew Telfer - n/a
Edgar Saborit - n/a
Ben Williamson - n/a
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
John Herring - 4.31 & David Hardesty - 4.11 0 - 1
John Herring - 4.31 & Britt Chandler - 4.23 1 - 0
Joseph Twerdi - 3.98 & David Hardesty - 4.11 1 - 0
Joseph Twerdi - 3.98 & Mike Howard - 3.62 1 - 0
Joseph Twerdi - 3.98 & Bradley Merchant - 4.15 0 - 1
David Hardesty - 4.11 & Robert Kiley - n/a 1 - 0
John Bogusewski - 4.36 & Matthew Telfer - n/a 1 - 0
John Bogusewski - 4.36 & Mike Howard - 3.62 0 - 1
John Bogusewski - 4.36 & Robert Kiley - n/a 1 - 0
Michael Hamann - 3.93 & Tyler Pewitt - 3.66 0 - 1
Michael Hamann - 3.93 & Mike Howard - 3.62 1 - 1
Tyler Pewitt - 3.66 0 - 2 1 - 2
Mike Howard - 3.62 & George Weiss - 3.90 1 - 0
George Weiss - 3.90 0 - 1
Britt Chandler - 4.23 & Tyler Pewitt - 3.66 0 - 1
Britt Chandler - 4.23 & Matthew Telfer - n/a 1 - 0
Nathan Mann - 3.93 1 - 1 0 - 1
Brett Atcher - 4.05 & Mike Howard - 3.62 1 - 0
Brett Atcher - 4.05 & Robert Kiley - n/a 1 - 0
Brett Atcher - 4.05 & David Atwell - 3.93 1 - 0
Erritt Griggs - 3.93 & Mike Howard - 3.62 0 - 1
Erritt Griggs - 3.93 & David Atwell - 3.93 1 - 0 0 - 1
Edgar Saborit - n/a & David Atwell - 3.93 0 - 1
Edgar Saborit - n/a & William McCubbin - 3.63 1 - 0
Bradley Merchant - 4.15 1 - 1 1 - 0
Leony Barroso - 3.92 & William McCubbin - 3.63 1 - 1 1 - 0
David Atwell - 3.93 1 - 1
Ben Williamson - n/a 2 - 0
William McCubbin - 3.63 1 - 0
League Record: 4 - 5
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Travis True - 4.15
Troy True - 3.96
Trey Whitnell - 3.93
Shawn Savage - 3.90
Clinton Colliver - 3.90
Arthur Fidowicz - 3.85
Stephen Johnson - 3.82
Greg Hawk - 3.77
Russell Jame - 3.75
Joey Sheroan - 3.72
Charles Matthews - 3.72
Lesme Romero - 3.68
James Hollander - 3.61
Jonathan Profitt - 3.53
Michael Kennedy - 3.45
Randall Owens - 3.43
Victor Logan - n/a
Jason Hawley - n/a
Benjamin Harper - n/a
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Jason Hawley - n/a & Shawn Savage - 3.90 0 - 1
Trey Whitnell - 3.93 & Troy True - 3.96 1 - 0
Trey Whitnell - 3.93 & Randall Owens - 3.43 1 - 0
Trey Whitnell - 3.93 & Lesme Romero - 3.68 1 - 0
Victor Logan - n/a 0 - 1
Troy True - 3.96 & Travis True - 4.15 1 - 1
Troy True - 3.96 & Stephen Johnson - 3.82 1 - 0
Troy True - 3.96 & Joey Sheroan - 3.72 0 - 1
Troy True - 3.96 0 - 1
Travis True - 4.15 & Shawn Savage - 3.90 1 - 0
Travis True - 4.15 & Stephen Johnson - 3.82 1 - 0
Travis True - 4.15 & Joey Sheroan - 3.72 1 - 0
Travis True - 4.15 0 - 1
Lesme Romero - 3.68 0 - 1 0 - 2
Arthur Fidowicz - 3.85 0 - 2 0 - 1
Michael Kennedy - 3.45 & Benjamin Harper - n/a 0 - 1
Michael Kennedy - 3.45 & Shawn Savage - 3.90 1 - 0
Russell Jame - 3.75 1 - 1 0 - 2
Shawn Savage - 3.90 1 - 0 1 - 0
Stephen Johnson - 3.82 & Joey Sheroan - 3.72 1 - 0
Clinton Colliver - 3.90 & Trey Whitnell - 3.93 2 - 1
Clinton Colliver - 3.90 & Travis True - 4.15 0 - 1
Clinton Colliver - 3.90 & Randall Owens - 3.43 1 - 0
Clinton Colliver - 3.90 & Jonathan Profitt - 3.53 0 - 1
Clinton Colliver - 3.90 & Michael Kennedy - 3.45 0 - 1
Charles Matthews - 3.72 & Jonathan Profitt - 3.53 0 - 1
Charles Matthews - 3.72 0 - 1
James Hollander - 3.61 & Victor Logan - n/a 1 - 0
Greg Hawk - 3.77 & Randall Owens - 3.43 1 - 0
Greg Hawk - 3.77 & Stephen Johnson - 3.82 0 - 1
League Record: 1 - 8
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Nicholas Strange - 4.09
Ian Walton - 3.86
Billy Sparks Jr - 3.73
Will Witherington - 3.67
Mason McIntyre - 3.62
Jonathan Arnold - 3.61
Rick Prior - 3.60
Navin Rajagopalan - 3.59
Bradley Lewis - 3.58
Lee Robinson - 3.53
John Wilkinson - 3.51
Anthony Pellegrino - 3.38
League Results By Position
1S 2S 1D 2D 3D
Anthony Pellegrino - 3.38 & Lee Robinson - 3.53 0 - 1
Anthony Pellegrino - 3.38 & Rick Prior - 3.60 0 - 1
Anthony Pellegrino - 3.38 & Billy Sparks Jr - 3.73 0 - 1
Anthony Pellegrino - 3.38 & Will Witherington - 3.67 0 - 1
Jonathan Arnold - 3.61 & Lee Robinson - 3.53 0 - 1
Jonathan Arnold - 3.61 & Will Witherington - 3.67 0 - 1
Ian Walton - 3.86 & Navin Rajagopalan - 3.59 0 - 1
Ian Walton - 3.86 0 - 1 4 - 1
Bradley Lewis - 3.58 & Navin Rajagopalan - 3.59 0 - 1
Bradley Lewis - 3.58 & Rick Prior - 3.60 0 - 2
Lee Robinson - 3.53 & Rick Prior - 3.60 0 - 1
Lee Robinson - 3.53 & Billy Sparks Jr - 3.73 0 - 1
Navin Rajagopalan - 3.59 & Rick Prior - 3.60 0 - 1 0 - 1
Mason McIntyre - 3.62 & Billy Sparks Jr - 3.73 1 - 2 0 - 1
Mason McIntyre - 3.62 & Will Witherington - 3.67 0 - 1
Mason McIntyre - 3.62 0 - 1
Will Witherington - 3.67 0 - 2
John Wilkinson - 3.51 & Jonathan Arnold - 3.61 0 - 1 1 - 1
John Wilkinson - 3.51 & Bradley Lewis - 3.58 0 - 1
John Wilkinson - 3.51 & Rick Prior - 3.60 0 - 1
Nicholas Strange - 4.09 6 - 1